The Definition & Benefits of ERP System Knowledge

What is ERP system knowledge? ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Shortly, it is a set of software that functions to manage and integrate various operational activities in a business. ERP once was mostly used by large scale companies, but today this system knowledge is also popular among middle-scale companies. Do you want to know more about this system knowledge? Below are the definition of ERP and its benefits for your business.

Definition of ERP System Knowledge
ERP is a software and system package which is used by a company to manage their daily business activities. Such as financial management, supply, production, projects, human resources, and many more. This system knowledge is able to facilitate business with accurate and real-time information, so that you are able to make business decisions well based on the data results. By collecting data of transactions from various sources, the ERP system is able to prevent data duplication by giving data integration.
In the beginning, ERP was designed for manufacturing industries. But now, this software has established for other various sectors such as services, real estate, food and beverages, retail and wholesale, education, health, and even government. Every company or organization surely manages employees, purchases services or products, sells or distributes products, and make financial notes. ERP system allows companies from any industries to manage and integrate all of those basic functions.

Benefits of ERP Knowledge System
Here are some benefits that you can get by implementing the ERP system knowledge in your business.
  • Optimizing Efficiency
ERP system functions to simplify various operational activities that take a lot of time and energy. Complex duties such as inventory checking, task division to employees, payroll, working hours monitoring, financial reports making, all of them can be automatically done. With the reduced manual works, your team will focus more on their jobs without having to bother other teams. For example, the marketing team can monitor the daily web traffic report without having to ask for it from the IT team. ERP also provides quick data access for managers and stakeholders in a company. Decision makers will be able to monitor main performance indicators in the entire company through only a dashboard. All of the data needed can be gotten real-time.
  • Saving Operational Costs
ERP system is also able to help a company to save operational costs. Because most operational activities are automated, various troubles, complications, and damages can be anticipated well. All of the complex jobs can be finished more quickly so that it is able to reduce the lead time. The company can also reduce labor costs because the ERP system is capable of taking over various manual jobs.
  • Increase Data Security
ERP system has a firewall and restriction control in order to prevent a data breach. All of the data is saved in a central system so that the access point can be strictly monitored and the security is well-kept. Those who are responsible for managing the company data can give limited access to the employees.

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